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"I‘ve been a client for two years and I consistently close 8-10% of the leads I receive from"

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Mission 1 Funding

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The Loss Mitigation Boom is On!

With 2 million or more homeowners set to fall into foreclosure this year now is the time to help borrowers modify their loans.

Buy fresh, real-time loss mitigation leads. These borrowers are generated at our foreclosure prevention websites like

Make a difference and help people stay in their home. Buy leads today!
Sample Loss Mitigation Lead
Name: Thomas Jefferson
Address: 1234 Main Street
City: Los Angeles
State: CA
Zip: 91010
Primary Phone: 323-763-1234
Alt Phone: 323-234-1234 ext.
Email Address:
Income: 15000

Current Mortgage Balance: 15000
Approximate Home Value: 70000
First Mortgage Lender: Countrywide
First Mortgage Interest Rate: 9.0
Existing Type of Rate: Fixed
Do you have a 2nd Mortgage?
Are you behind on payments? Yes
Months behind: 4
Monthly mortgage payment: 500
Notice of default: Yes
Foreclosure Date: NA
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